How Can I Get Involved?

There are events, projects, and activities for people of all ages at HCC all year round. For the most current information on all events and activities, take a look at this week's Weekly Word Newsletter here. Please see our Mission Activities here. And here are just some of the ways you can get involved:

  • Sunday Coffee Hour--We gather after our worship service for a lively and welcoming coffee hour. Volunteers provide the baked goods and help with set-up and clean-up. 
  • Sunday morning worship -  We always welcome volunteers to help usher, read the scripture, and help out with coffee hour. 
  • Weekly Bible Study -- Wednesday mornings starting at 9:30 at a member's home (contact office for directions.) Everyone is welcome as we study various topics and books of the Bible. We recently explored the parables of Jesus, and always welcome new participants. 
  • We have an ongoing non-perishable Food collection for local food pantries. Please bring donations anytime and drop them off in the foyer to Hadley Hall (doors always open).  Contact the office for a current list of items most needed, or see our Weekly Word newsletter. 
  • Other Mission and Outreach activities--please see our Weekly Word for what is happening now or the Mission Activities page
  • Periodic seasonal studies and gatherings (Lent/Advent/Summer.) Please sign up for our Weekly Word newsletter for information about what we are offering this season.